Thursday, October 23, 2014



The second country in the world to adopt Christianity as the state's religion already in the 4th century offers very diverse travel experiences. Note it is a large country with mainly "slow" roads. Ethiopian Airlines maintains a network of flights, but remote areas can only be reached quickly by small aircraft or helicopter. If you want to see everything driving, you need a lot of time to see the highlights of the country.

Inside the dark passage

The Churches of Lalibela

Church ceiling Debre Birhan Selassie Church (around 1700)

Interesting advertising Christian Church showing Muslim riding a donkey led by the devil

Amazing paintings on the church walls

Debre Birhan Selassie Church

Rock Church Tigre, hardly accessible

Sticks waiting for the next prayers

The Rock Churches of Tigre

Kara men preparing for the dance

The Kara's dance

Tribal encounter with the Kara

Hamar bull jumping

Getting ready for the whip

Backs bleeding from the men's whipping

Hamar Market in Turmi

Nyangatom Tribal encounter

Mursi with lip plate

Mursi with lip plate removed

Lava field towards the crater of Erta Ala vulcano

Picnic in 50 degrees

Erta Alta Vulcano

Salt planes of the Danakhil

See the ALT altitude meter on the flight -342 feet

Swimming in the secret pond 150 m below sea level

Dallol Sulphur Springs in the Danakil Depression

The Simien Mountains

Ethiopien village 

The fairy tale Harenna Forest

The Simien Wolf

The Gelada Monkeys of the Simian Mountains

Climbing to the top of Mount Gushuralle